OUR VISION (Where we are headed):

To exploit the value chain and improve the bottom line, ensuring the needs of our members are considered and maximize the economic benefits achievable in a tough competitive market.   Immediate term vision is to identify each operator, driver and vehicle that operates within our mode of public transport. Ensure a high standard of vehicles, highly trained drivers and operators. Provide a portal through which industry has access to business opportunities and extensive training possibilities. The industry will represent by the Co-op and our members as we engage all spheres of government in our quest for a safe, secure and sustainable environment for our industry.





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OUR MISSION (How do we get there):

Scoop has engaged provincial government to support this initiative and they have recognized Section Sixty Six as the representative structure in the Western Cape. The Department of Transport and Public Works has committed to working with Section Sixty Six in developing the Co-op and assist in reaching its potential and together with the leadership, provide a solid platform for our mode of transport. Together with our members, drivers, vendors and industry, we will provide a safer and  sustainable public transport service.


Our industry needs to be world class. To offer these services, we must access subsidies and discounts, and generate revenue. The public are our source of revenue without whom we not in business.

The industry will have quality vehicles and assist with migration to electric over time. Our industry must be well trained with continuous workshops and upskilling for those wanting to diversify. Provide opportunities within our space to include Tour Guiding courses, administrative and mechanical workshops, and similar training aimed at improving the standard of our industry and the service we deliver, including the vital support services within our industry.

We must become efficient, adapt to technology as innovation improves and we become more productive with the resources available to our industry. We will access available funding, services and contracts while being united in our resolve to also be accountable for our actions. As an industry we must strive to remain competitive yet sustainable, understanding we reap what we sow and outcomes are determined by the service we deliver.   

Safety is a top priority within the taxi industry and our mode is the most vulnerable. Safety for both driver and rider are paramount and interventions to minimize these incidents must be rolled out urgently. Those employing drivers need to include measures that mitigate such incidents and as industry we need to ensure assistance with added security is made available to operators whether it be subsidized or sponsored. Corporate sponsorship and support must be accessed as a matter of urgency. 

We have given ourselves 12 months to reach this level and unite the legal taxi industry under one umbrella body that serves the interests of our mode. We have just built the foundation phase and together we need to build a successful coop and we will do this as an independent mode within public transport.  



Mr David Drummond is a founder member of the coop. Having been in transport since 1991, Mr Drummond has been actively involved in the industry lobbying government and legislators to constantly keep this mode of transport relevant and protecting its interests.

David Drummond


Yazeed oversees all IT requirements of the Cooperative. He has also worked in business development, identifying, creating and implementing business strategies and operational plans for 20 years.

Yazeed Orrie


A qualified Auto-Electrician, Mustakeem has worked on Taximeters for the Sedan car Meter Taxi industry for the last 25 years.

Mustakeem Hendricks


A qualified Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator. She is in the process of completing her Skills Development Facilitator course.

Carol de Lange


Nazeem is a director of the coopersative, himself a taxi owner. He has been in the industry for more than 30 years and has managed a successful and thriving taxi business.

Nazeem Kenny


Cabs have been around for many years with earliest known being the famous hansom cabs operated between city centre and Wynberg going back in 1925.

The Taxi industry has been predominately operated by the Coloured Community of the Western Cape and permits were passed down from generation to generation and this tradition continues to this day.

Operating as a Cabbie was not subjected to the risks and dangers, we find common place within our mode of transport today. This has deterred many from continuing in this traditional form of business and many have moved on, choosing a different line of work.

2014 saw the arrival of ehailing and the introduction of new complimentary technology. The industry was approached to join the new era of taxis and discussions began. Almost immediately it was clear the highly regulated industry numbers available was not going to be enough to support the Apps and it was made clear, 10 000 vehicles are needed to roll out and become viable. This raised red flags and industry realized the saturation of our mode would be devastating and the pushback unfolded.

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